A Year of Projects Post: Mar 4-10

Getting posts up on Sundays is challenging. We are doing screen free Sundays as a family and I haven’t been organized enough to get the posts written and scheduled before Sunday. So it’ll probably be Monday posts until I can get it together.

It was a good week for crafting! Lots of time to work on projects this week. Other than crafting it was pretty quiet with just school and work. We were supposed to go on a bridal on Saturday, but it got rescheduled due to rain.


This week I turned both heels of the socks I’ve been working on. These will be the on the go projects for the week. My daughter has a number of classes so I’ll have some knitting time while I wait for her.


I’ve got an FO!! The Half Granny Shawl is complete. I finished it March 1st. So excited to have this one off the needles. I’ve already used it a few times.

I told Babygirl that once I finished the shawl I would begin her blanket. She picked yarn a while back to knit herself a blanket, but knitting is not really her thing. I offered to crochet her a blanket using the yarn. it’s a combination of Hobby Lobby’s I Love This Yarn and JoAnns Big Twist.

I’m using the pattern I’ve used for my last 2 blankets and it’s working up nicely. The yarn is soft and the pattern has a nice texture making it soft and cuddly.


It’s been an exciting week for gardening around here! Seeds are sprouting and flowers are blooming outside. Unfortunately, we’ve got some serious mud in the yard from a few days of heavy rains so outdoor gardening tasks have been postponed.

Seedlings 🙂

On Friday we purchased some tomato plants from our local store. We potted them into some larger containers in hopes of giving them a head start indoors.

German Johnson and Supersweet Cherry

We were also able to move a bunch of seedlings into bigger containers to allow them to grow. I’m hoping this helps them to get bigger/stronger before we plant them out in the garden.

That’s it for me. Looking forward to catching up with what everyone has been working on.

Happy Crafting!

4 thoughts on “A Year of Projects Post: Mar 4-10

  1. I always love to see your stripey socks – they are so much fun! We are just starting to see the tips of some new daffodils poking up but we’re forecast for snow here for the rest of the week so I’m trying not to jump the gun on new green things!


    1. Thanks, I love using color in my socks. I am less adventurous with clothing, lol. We still have a chance of frost, but we’re closer for all the green things :). This weekend is a big work outside weekend for us.


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